Organization Chart

Scientific Director

Oñate, Eugenio
Scientific Director
The General Director of CIMNE, Prof. Eugenio Oñate, is also in charge of the Scientific Programme of the Severo Ochoa accreditation at CIMNE. Professor of Structural Mechanics at the Technical University of Catalonia, Prof. Oñate has awarded several awards and honours during his professional career as, for exemple, the Ildefons Cerdà (2019) or the Ritz-Galerkin (2020) Medals. 


Arias, Irene
Severo Ochoa Guarantor
Professor at the Technical University of Catalonia and leader of the Mechanics of Electroactive Materials group of CIMNE. Winner of an Starting Grant by ERC Council (2016-2021) and recognized by the ICREA Academy (2016).
Arroyo, Marino
Severo Ochoa Guarantor
Prof. Marino Arroyo is the group leader of Soft and Living Material Interfaces of CIMNE. It has to be highlighted that Arroyo holds an ERC Consolidator Grant (2016-2021).
Badia, Santiago
Severo Ochoa Guarantor
Professor of Computational Mathematics at Monash University (Australia) and leader of the Large Scale Scientific Computing group at CIMNE. ERC Starting Grant winner at 2010 call to develop the project COMFUS.
Carbonell, Josep Maria
Severo Ochoa Guarantor
Ternure track lecturer at University of Vic and Associate Research Professor at CIMNE.  Developer of the SolidMechanicsApplication and also of the PfemSolidMechanicsApplication, both included in the Kratos Multiphysics frame.
Carreño, Martha Liliana
Severo Ochoa Guarantor
Prof. Liliana Carreño is leader of the Disaster Risk and Resilience Group of CIMNE. Her main research lines are  integral evaluation of disaster risk different levels; seismic risk evaluation; and evaluation of the disaster risk management performance.
Cervera, Miguel
Severo Ochoa Guarantor
Miguel Cervera is a professor of Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis (since 1999) at Technical University of Catalonia (UPC). Since 2016, he is the Head of Doctoral Studies (2016- ) at the School of Civil Engineering (UPC). Among other prizes, he has been awarded  the "Jaume Vicens Vives" Medal for Excellence in University Teaching by the Government of Catalonia (2012). He is also co-leader of the Industrial Manufacturing Processes group of CIMNE.
Chiumenti, Michele
Severo Ochoa Guarantor
Professor of Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis at the Technical School of Catalonia; Deputy Director of Master and Doctoral programs in Civil Engineering, Software developer and product manager (VULCAN software): Quantech-ATZ; and co-leader of the Industrial Manufacturing Processes group of CIMNE.
Huerta, Antonio
Severo Ochoa Guarantor
Huerta is a Professor of Applied Mathematics at Technical University of Catalonia (UPC); Director of ICREA Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies and President of the International Association for Computational Mechanics. He is also leader of the Innovative Algorithms for Fast Accurate Computing Group of CIMNE.
Muñoz, Jose Javier
Severo Ochoa Guarantor
Associate Research Professor at CIMNE.  He has strong background in numerical modelling, via finite element methods and vertex discretisations, for the solution of problems in non-linear dynamics, material stability, tissue rheology and mechanobiology. Member of academic commission of Doctoral Programme in Applied Mathematics at UPC.
Rossi, Riccardo
Severo Ochoa Guarantor
Professor at the Barcelona School of Civil Engineering (UPC BarcelonaTech). Leader of the Kratos Multiphysics group of CIMNE. In 2013, he was awarded the “Juan Carlos Simó young investigator award”. 

Deputy Researchers

Príncipe, Javier
Deputy Researcher
Fluid Mechanics Professor at Technical University of Catalonia and Associate Research Professor at CIMNE (Lare Scale Scientific Computing Group). Author of FEMPAR, a code selected for the High-Q club of the most scalable codes in Juqueen, Jülich Supercomputing Center, 2014.

Project Management

Pérez, Sandra
Severo Ochoa Programme Manager

Sandra Pérez has a BA in Business Administration and Management at the UB (University of Barcelona), 2001, and a Postgraduate in Public Administration by the School of Public Administration of Catalonia (EAPC) (expected in 2023). Nowadays, she is the Head of the Project Management Department and the Project Manager for the Severo Ochoa Programme at CIMNE.

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Singh, Mahavir
Project Management Assistant

Mr. Mahavir Singh is a Grant Assistant within the Project Management Department of the centre, led by Ms. Sandra Pérez. In this position, Mr. Singh is on charge of assist the budget monitoring for the Severo Ochoa project, among other tasks related to daily project management.

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