ePlanet The European ePLANET project will use the most innovative tools in artificial intelligence and big data to leverage and exploit energy data from public buildings in order to obtain empirical results on the implementation of energy efficiency measures. OUR RESEARCHERS
MSCA-ITN PhD Student (Pakistan, 1993) Abdul Rauf Fluid Mechanics group
PhD title: "Time integration schemes for Compressible flows" Abdul's research interests are mathematical modeling and simulations, numerical analysis, computational Fluid Dynamics and optimization. In his position as a PhD Student a CIMNE he develops time integration schemes for compressible flows based on artificial neural networks and combined with a finite element method in space based on the Variational Multiscale method. SEVERO OCHOA PhD Student (Colombia, 1992) Nathalia Silva Machine Learning in Civil Engineering group
PhD title: "Methodology based on Machine Learning for the classification of off-channel reservoirs on the potential risk due to failure" Nathalia research is focused on facilitate the assessment of off-channel reservoir classification on the potential risk due to failure with a methodology based on Machine Learning techniques, which will allow to determinate the level of affection for different areas at the surrounding terrain and likely classification based on the physical characteristics of the structure and terrain. DISSEMINATION
Machine learning algorithm for the detection of COVID CIMNE researcher Alberto Tena, from Information and Communication Technology group of CIMNE, has just published an article in open access in the Biomedical Signal Processing and Control Journal about COVID detection using machine learning techniques. The study is a joint work with the University of Lleida (UdL) where have also participated Francesc Clarià and Francesc Solsona, from the Department of Computer Science and INSPIRES. DO NOT MISS OUT!
Mujeres con ciencia The Chair of Scientific Culture located at University of the Basque Country publishes mujeresconciencia.com, an interesting blog that gives visibility to science made by women in the past and today. On this website, which aims to promote gender equality, we can find biographies, interviews, events, ephemeris and all kinds of chronicles to publicize the existence of women scientists, their work and the circumstances their work is carried out. NEXT EVENTS
Conferences about to start From September 27th to October 1st, the XII Spanish Dams Conference will be held at the Alfredo Kraus Auditorium (Canary Islands). The 12th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC) will take place online from 29-30 September to 1 October as a online event. S. Ochoa Seminar by Ernest Bladé "The Finite Volume Method for sediment transport in rivers. Practical Applications" is the title of the next Severo Ochoa Seminar carried out by Ernest Bladé on 20th September at 12 noon. Rivers transport water but also sediments. Numerical methods helps to solve river dynamics problems, as bedload stability, etc. Particles 2021 The VII International Conference on Particle-Based Methods will be organised on 4-6 October 2021, in Hamburg, Germany. Particles 2021, to be held in a hybrid mode, will address the applicability of state-of-the-art particle-based computational methods that can be effectively used for solving several problems in engineering and applied sciences. Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics a l'Enginyeria © 2021 |