

In the ICEBREAKER Proof of Concept (PoC) we will explore the industrial applicability and potential for commercialization of the computational technology developed in the SAFECON Advanced Grant project ( ) for the study of the navigation of a ship in an iced-sea and the determination of the ice drag of the vessel and the ice-induced resistance on the vessel hull. Up to date a commercial simulation tool including such features for the study of ice-ship interaction situations is simply not available.
The ICEBREAKER PoC will help move the SAFECON software technology towards the initial steps of an innovation process leading to a new simulation software for helping naval architects to improve the design of vessels that should be operating efficiently and safely in iced seas.
The activities in the ICEBREAKER PoC will include:
a) Benchmarking the SAFECON software technology for simulating the navigation of a ship in an iced-sea.
b) Establishing the technical viability of application of the software by public and private organizations and companies specialized in ship design, as well as in shipyards and the maritime transport industry.
c) Study the possible implementation of the software in existing commercial ship hydrodynamics analysis codes.
d) Perform market research for quantifying the potential for the commercial exploitation of the SAFECON software for ice-ship interaction problems.
e) Dissemination plan for the software.
f) Definition of IPR position.
g) Study different exploitation models for the application of the SAFECON software technology for the enhanced design of ships cruising in iced-seas.

H2020 (2014-2020) - ERC-2016-PoC

NICE-SHIP, Development of new Lagrangian computational methods for ice-ship interaction problems

The NICE-SHIP project aims to developing a new generation of computational methods, based on the integration of innovative semi-Lagrangian particle-based and finite element procedures for the analysis of the operation of a vessel in an iced sea, taking into account the different possible conditions of the ice. The computational analysis techniques to be developed in NICE-SHIP will allow ice-class vessel designers to accurately evaluate the loads acting on the structure of a ship navigating in iced-seas and, in particular, to determine the ice resistance of the ship in differente ice conditions.
The different methods developed in NICE-SHIP will be useful for helping to improve the design of vessels and marine structures that should be operating efficiently and safely in iced seas.

NICOP - N00014-16-R-BA01 Long Range Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Navy and Marine Corps Science& Technology

Projects with Weatherford


Analysis of the velocity of cuttings in vertical and oblique annulus transported by non-Newtonian muds (from 2012 to 2014).
The DEMPack-KratosCFD solver was used in these projects.


Analysis of the behaviour of soils and other hard materials under the action of drill bits (years 2012 and 2013). Includes validation of DEMPack by means of specimen tests like the Uniaxial Compression test, Brazilian test and Triaxial test, amongst others. It also includes a mechanical analysis of the wear of the surface of a specimen by the cutters of a drill bit.
The DEMPack solver was used in all cases.

TUNCONSTRUCT, Technology innovation in underground construction

NMP2-CT-2005-011817, FP6-NMP; 1.09.2005-31.08.2009


La Ciudad Multidimensional

PROFIT; 01.01.2005-31.12.2007


CUTTER, Enhanced design and production of wear resistant rock cutting tools for construction machinery

G1RD-CT-2000-00161, FP5-GROWTH,1.03.2000-1.06.2003

CIMNE Edifici C1
Campus Nord UPC
C/ Gran Capitá S/N
08034 Barcelona, Spain
Thursday, May 7, 2020   User: José Luis Oñate