RESEARCH LINESAlgorithms for Multiphysics Problems
Research Topic Principal Investigator
FEM and particle-based methods for fluid-soil-structure interaction. NM for the oil and gas industry. E.Oñate
Numerical methods for coupled thermal-mechanical problems for constructions and mechanical components. M. Chiumenti
M. Cervera
Aeroacoustics: Acoustic analogies in incompressible flows, direct numerical simulation of sound, aeroacoustics in time dependent domains, application to human voice simulation. R. Codina
J. Baiges
FEM and particle methods for analysis of industrial forming processes (casting, mold filling, sheet metal stamping, 3D printing, friction stir welding, etc.). M. Chiumenti
C. Agelet de Saracibar
FEM for electro-magnetic-mechanical problems. Numerical methods for plasma physics and fusion technology. S. Badia
Numerical modeling thin objects in nano & bio-systems. M. Arroyo
Optical quality of observation sites: Numerical simulation of turbulence, estimation of optical parameters of turbulent atmospheres, application to telescope visibility. R. Codina
Reduced order models (ROM): Domain decomposition, fluid-structure interaction, thermally coupled flows R. Codina
S. Idelsohn
Relevant Publications

Oñate E. Derivation of stabilized equations for numerical solution of advective-diffusive transport and fluid flow problems.
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 151, pp. 233-265, 1998

Oñate E., Idelsohn S.R., Del Pin F. and Aubry R., The particle finite element method. An overview.
Int. J. Computat. Methods, Vol. 1 (2), pp. 267-307, 2004

Codina R., Principe J., Guasch O. and Badia S.
Time dependent subscales in the stabilized finite element approximation of incompressible flow problems .
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 196 (21), pp. 2413-2430, 2007

Fish J., Nuggehally M.A., Shephard M.S., Picu C.R., Badia S., Parks M.L. and Gunzburger M.
Concurrent AtC coupling based on a blend of the continuum stress and the atomistic force .
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 196 (45), pp. 4548-4560, 2007

Larese A., Rossi R., Oñate E. and Idelsohn S.R.
Validation of the particle finite element method (PFEM) for simulation of free surface flows .
Engineering Computations, Vol. 25 (4), pp. 385-425, 2008

Badia S., Nobile F. and Vergara C.
Fluid–structure partitioned procedures based on Robin transmission conditions .
Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 227 (14), pp.7027-7051, 2008

Badia S., Quaini A. and Quarteroni A.
Splitting methods based on algebraic factorization for fluid-structure interaction .
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Vol. 30 (4), pp. 1778-1805, 2008

Oñate E., Idelsohn S.R., Celigueta M.A. and Rossi R.
Advances in the particle finite element method for the analysis of fluid–multibody interaction and bed erosion in free surface flows .
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 197 (19), pp. 1777-1800, 2008

Badia S. and Codina R.
Unified stabilized finite element formulations for the Stokes and the Darcy problems .
SIAM journal on Numerical Analysis, Vol. 47 (3), pp. 1971-2000, 2009

Dadvand P., Rossi R. and Oñate E.
An object-oriented environment for developing finite element codes for multi-disciplinary applications .
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, Vol. 17 (3), pp. 253-297, 2010

Larese A., Rossi R., Oñate E., Toledo M., Morán R. and Campos H. Numerical and experimental study of overtopping and failure of rockfill dams.
Int. J. Geomech. 10.1007/s11831-014-9140-x, 2013

Rossi R., Mossaiby F. and Idelsohn S.R.
A portable OpenCL-based unstructured edge-based finite element Navier–Stokes solver on graphics hardware .
Computers & Fluids, Vol. 81, pp. 134-144, 2013

Ryzhakov P., Cotela J., Rossi R. and Oñate E.
A two-step monolithic method for the efficient simulation of incompressible flows .
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 74 (12), pp. 919-934, 2014

Oñate E. and Carbonell J.M. Updated Lagrangian mixed finite element formulation for quasi and fully incompressible fluids.
Computational Mechanics, Vol. 54 (6), pp. 1583-1596, 2014

Oñate E., Franci A. and Carbonell J.M. A particle finite element method for analysis of industrial forming processes.
Computational Mechanics, Vol. 54 (1), pp. 85-107, 2014

Oñate E., Celigueta M.A., Latorre S., Casas G., Rossi R. and Rojek J. Lagrangian analysis of multiscale particulate flows with the particle finite element method.
Computational Particle Mechanics, Vol. 1, pp. 85-102, 2014

Oñate E., Franci A. and Carbonell J.M., Lagrangian formulation for finite element analysis of quasi-incompressible fluids with reduced mass losses.
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol. 74, pp. 699-731, 2014

Larese A., Rossi R. and Oñate E.
Finite element modeling of free surface flow in variable porosity media .
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. Accepted for publication 2015