Additive Manufacturing (AM)


Rivet I., Dialami N., Cervera M., Chiumenti M., Valverde Q., Mechanical analysis and optimized performance of G-Code driven material extrusion components, Additive Manufacturing, Vol.61, 103348, ISSN 2214-8604, 2023.


Cao T., Chen C., Wang W., Zhao R., Lu X., Yin S., Xu S., Hu T., Shuai S., Wang J., Ren Z., Evolution of microstructure and mechanical property of Ti-47Al-2Cr-2Nb intermetallic alloy by laser direct energy deposition: From a single-track, thin-wall to bulk, Materials Characterization, vol. 190, 2022.

Cervera M., Wu J.-Y., Kim S., Chiumenti M., On the mechanics of strain localization in plasticity: isotropic and orthotropic, elasto- and rigid-plastic, associated and non-associated models, Acta Mechanica, vol. 233, issue 4, pp. 1513-1542, 2022.

Dialami N., Chiumenti M., Cervera M., Chasco U., Reyes-Pozo G. and Pérez M.A., Printing pattern based material characterization and enhanced performance analysis of FFF components: Experimental and computational validation, Composite Structures, 2022.

Dialami N., Chiumenti M., Cervera M., Chasco U., Reyes-Pozo G., Pérez M.A., A hybrid numerical-experimental strategy for predicting mechanical response of components manufactured via FFF, Composite Structures, vol. 298, 2022.

Dialami N., Rivet I., Cervera M., Chiumenti M., Computational characterization of polymeric materials 3D-printed via fused filament fabrication, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2022.

Lu X., Chiumenti M., Cervera M., Zhang G., Lin X., Mitigation of residual stresses and microstructure homogenization in directed energy deposition processes, Engineering with Computers, vol. 38, pp. 4771–4790, 2022.

Lu X., Zhang W., Chiumenti M., Cervera M., Gillham B., Yu P., Yin S., Lin X., Babu R.P., Lupoi R., Crack-free laser powder bed fusion by substrate design, Additive Manufacturing, vol. 59, 2022.

Moreira C.A., Barbat G.B., Cervera M., Chiumenti M., Accurate thermal-induced structural failure analysis under incompressible conditions, Engineering Structures, vol. 261, 2022.

Moreira C.A., Caicedo M.A., Cervera M., Chiumenti M., Baiges J., A multi-criteria h-adaptive finite-element framework for industrial part-scale thermal analysis in additive manufacturing processes, Engineering with Computers, vol. 38, pp. 4791–4813, 2022.

Yao B., Lu X., Ma L., Kang N., Sui S., Tan H., Chen J., An enhanced finite element modelling based on self-regulation effect in directed energy deposition of Ti–6Al–4V, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, vol. 17, pp. 1187-1199, 2022.

Zhang G., Lu X., Li J., Chen J., Lin X., Wang M., Tan H., Huang W., In-situ grain structure control in directed energy deposition of Ti6Al4V, Additive Manufacturing, vol. 55, 2022.

Moreira C.A., Caicedo M.A., Cervera M., Chiumenti M., Baiges J., A Robust h-Adaptive Finite Element Framework for Industrial Part-Scale Thermal Analysis in Additive Manufacturing Processes, Engineering with Computers, 2022.

Barbat G.B., Cervera M., Venghaus H., Chiumenti M., Objectivity in quasi-brittle structural failure via adaptive formulation and mesh refinement, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, vol. 122, 2022.

Cervera M., Barbat G.B., Chiumenti M., Wu J.-Y., A Comparative Review of XFEM, Mixed FEM and phase-field models for quasi-brittle cracking, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, vol. 29, issue 2, pp. 1009-1083, 2022.


Baiges, J., Chiumenti, M., Moreira, C.A., Cervera, M., Codina, R., An adaptive Finite Element strategy for the numerical simulation of additive manufacturing processes, Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 37, art. n. 101650, 2021

Dialami, N., Chiumenti, M., Cervera, M., Rossi, R., Chasco, U., Domingo, M., Numerical and experimental analysis of the structural performance of AM components built by fused filament fabrication, International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, Vol. 17, pp. 225-244, 2021.

Lu, X., Chiumenti, M., Cervera, M., Li, J., Lin, X., Ma, L., Zhang, G., Enquan L., Substrate design to minimize residual stresses in Directed Energy Deposition AM processes, Materials and Design, Vol. 202, pp. 1-14, art. n. 109525, 2021

Rivet, I., Dialami, N., Cervera, M., Chiumenti, M., Reyes, G., Pérez, M., Experimental, computational, and dimensional analysis of the mechanical performance of fused filament fabrication parts, Polymers, Vol. 13 (1), pp. 31-18, art. n. 1766, 2021

Xufei, L., Chiumenti, M., Cervera, M., Hua Tan; Xin, L., Song, W., Warpage analysis and control of thin-walled structures manufactured by laser powder bed fusion, Metals, Vol. 11 (5), pp. 1-16, art. n. 686, 2021

Xufei, L., Zhang, G., Cervera, M., Chiumenti, M., Chen, J., Lin, X., Huang, W., Simulation-assisted investigation on the formation of layer bands and the microstructural evolution in directed energy deposition of Ti6Al4V blocks, Virtual and physical prototyping, Vol. 16 (4), pp. 387-403, 2021


Lu, X., Cervera, M., Chiumenti, M., Li, J., Ji, X., Lin, X., Modelling of the effect of the building strategy on the thermomechanical response of Ti-6Al-4V rectangular parts manufactured by laser directed energy deposition, Metals, Special Issue on Additive Manufacturing: Experimental and Numerical Simulation of Metallic Materials, Vol. 10 (12), art. n. 1643 2020

Neiva, E., Chiumenti, M., Cervera, M., Salsi, E., Piscopo, G., Badia, S., Martín, A., Chen, Z., Lee, C., Davies, C., Numerical modelling of heat transfer and experimental validation in power-bed fusion with the Virtual Domain Approximation, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Vol. 168, Paper 103343, 2020.


Lu, X., Xin, L., Chiumenti, M., Cervera, M., Li, J., Ma, L., Yunlong H., Huang, W., Residual stress and distortion of rectangular and S-shaped Ti-6Al-4V parts by Directed Energy Deposition: modelling and experimental calibration, Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 26, 166-179, 2019.

Lu, X.,, Xin, L., Chiumenti, M., Cervera, M., Li, J., Ma, L., Yunlong H., Huang, W., In-situ Measurements and Thermo-mechanical Simulation of Ti-6Al-4V Laser Solid Forming Processes, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 153–154, pp. 119-130, 2019.


Lu, X., Xin, L., Chiumenti, M., Cervera, M., Li, J., Ma, L., Yunlong H., Huang, W., Finite Element Analysis and Experimental Validation of Thermomechanical Behavior in Laser Solid Forming of Ti-6Al-4V, Additive Manufacturing Vol. 21, 30-40, 2018.

Salsi, E., Chiumenti, M., Cervera, M., Modeling of microstructure evolution of Ti6Al4V for Additive Manufacturing Metals, Vol. 8 (8), p.633, 2018


Chiumenti, M., Lin, X., Cervera, M., Lei, W., Zheng, Y., Hunag, W., Numerical simulation and experimental calibration of Additive Manufacturing by blown powder technology. Part I: thermal analysis, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 23 (2), pp. 448-463, 2017.

Neiva, E., Chiumenti, M., Salsi, E., Cervera, M., Badia, S., Moya, J., Chen, Z., Lee, C., Davies, C., Numerical modelling and experimental validation in selective laser melting, Additive Manufacturing, Vol. 18, pp. 171-185, 2017.


Chiumenti, M., Cervera, M., Salmi, A., Agelet de Saracibar, C., Dialami, N., Matsui, K., Finite element modeling of multi-pass welding and shaped metal deposition processes, Computer Methods and Applied Mechanics in Engineering, Vol. 199 (37-40), pp. 2343-2359, 2010.


Bugeda, G., Cervera, M., Lombera, G., Numerical prediction of temperature and density distributions in selective laser sintering processes, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 5 (1), pp. 21-26, 1999.


Bugeda, G., Cervera, M., Lombera, G., Oñate, E., Numerical analysis of stereolithography processes using the finite element method, Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 1 (2), pp. 13-23, 1995.

G.Lombera, G.Bugeda, M.Cervera, E.Oñate. Análisis numérico de procesos de estereolitografía, Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería , Vol.11, Num.2, 1995.