Failure Assessment


Barbat G.B., Cervera M., Venghaus H., Chiumenti M., Objectivity in quasi-brittle failure via adaptive formulation and mesh refinement, Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, Special Issue on Advances in Computational Fracture Mechanics, 122, 103646, 2022.

Cervera M., Wu J.Y., Chiumenti M., Kim S., On the mechanics of strain localization in plasticity: Isotropic and orthotropic, elasto- and rigid-plastic, associated and non-associated models, Acta Mechanica, 2022.

Moreira C.A., Barbat G.B., Cervera M., Chiumenti M. Accurate thermal-induced structural failure analysis under incompressible conditions, Engineering Structures, (D1), 2022.


Moreno E., Dialami N., Cervera M., Modeling of spillage and debris floods as Newtonian and Viscoplastic Bingham flows with free surface with mixed stabilized finite elements, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 290, 104512, 2021.

Saloustros S., Cervera M., Kim S., Chiumenti M., Accurate and locking-free analysis of beams, plates and shells using solid elements, Computational Mechanics, (D1), 2021.


Vlachakis G., Cervera M., Barbat G. B., Saloustros S., Out-of-plane seismic response and failure mechanism of masonry structures using finite elements with enhanced strain accuracy, Engineering Failure Analysis, Vol. 97, 534–555, (Q1), 2019.


S. Saloustros S., Pelà L., Cervera M., Roca P., Finite Element Modelling of Internal and Multiple Localized Cracks, Computational Mechanics (D1), 59:2, 299–316, 2017.


Benedetti L., Cervera M., Chiumenti M., High-fidelity prediction of crack formation in 2D and 3D pullout tests, Computers and Structures (D1), 172, 93–109, 2016.

Pelà L., Bourgeois J., Roca P., Cervera M., Chiumenti M., Analysis of the effect of provisional ties in the construction and current deformation of Mallorca cathedral, International Journal of Architectural Heritage (Q1), Vol. 10(4), 418–437, 2016.


Wu J.-Y., Cervera M. On the equivalence between traction- and stress-based approaches for the modeling of localized failure in solids, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (D1), 82, 137-163, 2015.

Cervera M., Wu J.-Y., On the conformity of strong, regularized, embedded and smeared discontinuity approaches for the modeling of localized failure in solids, International Journal of Solids and Structures (D1), 71, 19-38, 2015.

Cervera M., Chiumenti M., Benedetti L., Codina R. Mixed stabilized finite element methods in nonlinear solid mechanics. Part III: Compressible and incompressible plasticity, Computer Methods and Applied Mechanics in Engineering (D1), 285, 752-775, 2015.

Lafontaine N.M, Rossi R., M. Cervera M., Chiumenti M., Explicit mixed strain-displacement finite element for dynamic geometrically non-linear solid mechanics, Computational Mechanics (D1), Vol. 55, 543-559, 2015.

Chiumenti M., Cervera M., Codina R., A mixed three-field FE formulation for stress accurate analysis including the incompressible limit, Computer Methods and Applied Mechanics in Engineering (D1), Vol. 283, pp. 1095-1116, 2015.

Benedetti L., Cervera M., Chiumenti M., Stress-accurate mixed FEM for soil failure under shallow foundations involving strain localization in plasticity, Computers and Geotechnics (D1), 64, pp. 32-47, 2015.


Pelà L., Cervera M., Oller S., Chiumenti M., A localized damage model for Orthotropic Materials, Engineering Fracture Mechanics (D1), 124-125, pp. 196-216, 2014.


Roca P., Cervera M., Pelà L., Clemente R., Chiumenti M., Continuum FE models for the analysis of a representative bay in Mallorca Cathedral, Engineering Structures (D1), Vol. 46, pp. 653-670, 2013.

Pelà L., Cervera M., Roca P., An orthotropic damage model for the analysis of masonry structures, Construction and Building Materials (D1), Vol. 41, pp. 957-967, 2013.


Roca P., Cervera M., Pelà L., Clemente R., Chiumenti M., Viscoelasticity and damage model for creep behaviour of historical masonry structures, The Open Civil Engineering Journal (Q0), Vol. 6 (Suppl. 1-M7), pp. 188-199, 2012.


Cervera M., M. Chiumenti M., Codina R., Mesh objective modeling of cracks using continuous linear strain and displacement interpolations, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (D1), 87 (10), pp. 962-987, 2011.


Roca P., Cervera M., Gariup G., Pelà L., Structural analysis of masonry historical constructions. Classical and advanced approaches, Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering (D1), Vol. 17 (3), pp. 299-325, 2010.

Cervera M., Pelà L., Clemente R., Roca P., A crack-tracking technique for localized damage in quasi-brittle materials, Engineering Fracture Mechanics (D1), Vol. 77 (13), pp. 2431-2450, 2010.

Cervera M., Chiumenti M., Codina R., Mixed stabilized finite element methods in nonlinear solid mechanics. Part II: Strain localization, Computer Methods and Applied Mechanics in Engineering (D1), Vol. 199 (37-40), pp. 2571-2589, 2010.

Cervera M., Chiumenti M., Codina R., Mixed stabilized finite element methods in nonlinear solid mechanics. Part I: Formulation, Computer Methods and Applied Mechanics in Engineering (D1), 199 (37-40), pp. 2559-2570, 2010.


Cervera M., Chiumenti M. Size effect and localization in J2 plasticity, International Journal of Solids and Structures (D1), Vol. 46 (17), pp. 3301-3312, 2009.


Clemente R., Cervera M., Roca P., El modelo daño localizado aplicado al análisis de estructuras de obra de fábrica, Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería (Q0), Vol. 24, Num.1, 2008.


Valverde Q., Chiumenti M., Agelet de Saracibar C., M. Cervera M., Formulación estabilizada de elementos finitos triangulares y tetraédricos para problemas de incompresibilidad en grandes deformaciones, Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería (Q0), Vol. 22, Num. 3, 2006.

Cervera M., Chiumenti M., Mesh objective tensile cracking via a local continuum damage model and a crack tracking technique, Computer Methods and Applied Mechanics in Engineering (D1), 196 (1-3), pp. 304-320, 2006.

Cervera, M., Chiumenti, M. "Smeared crack approach: Back to the original track", International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics (D1), 30 (12), pp. 1173-1199, 2006.

Agelet de Saracibar C., Chiumenti M., Valverde Q., Cervera M., "On the orthogonal subgrid scale pressure stabilization of finite deformation J2 plasticity", Computer Methods and Applied Mechanics in Engineering (D1), 195 (9-12), pp. 1224-1251, 2006.


Valverde Q., Chiumenti M., Cervera M., Agelet de Saracibar C., "Formulación estabilizada de elementos finitos triangulares y tetraédricos para problemas de incompresibilidad en deformaciones infinitesimales", Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería (Q0), Vol. 21, Num. 4, 2005.

Faria, R., Oliver, J., Cervera, M. "Modeling material failure in concrete structures under cyclic actions", Journal of Structural Engineering (D1), 130 (12), pp. 1997-2005, 2004.

Chiumenti M., Valverde Q., Agelet de Saracibar C., Cervera M., "A stabilized formulation for incompressible plasticity using linear triangles and tetrahedra", International Journal of Plasticity (D1), 20 (8-9), pp. 1487-1504, 2004.

Cervera M., Chiumenti M., de Saracibar C.A., "Softening, localization and stabilization: Capture of discontinuous solutions in J2 plasticity", International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics (D1), Vol. 28 (5), pp. 373-393, 2004.

Cervera M., Chiumenti M., Agelet de Saracibar C., "Shear band localization via local J2 continuum damage mechanics", Computer Methods and Applied Mechanics in Engineering (D1), Vol. 193 (9-11), pp. 849-880, 2004.


Cervera M., Chiumenti M., Valverde Q., Agelet de Saracibar C., "Mixed linear/linear simplicial elements for incompressible elasticity and plasticity", Computer Methods and Applied Mechanics in Engineering (D1), 192 (49-50), pp. 5249-5263, 2003.


Chiumenti M., Valverde Q., Agelet De Saracibar C., Cervera M., "A stabilized formulation for incompressible elasticity using linear displacement and pressure Interpolations", Computer Methods and Applied Mechanics in Engineering (D1), 191 (46), pp. 5253-5264, 2002.

Cervera M., Faria R., Oliver J., Prato T., "Numerical modelling of concrete curing, regarding hydration and temperature phenomena", Computers and Structures (D1), 80 (18-19), pp. 1511-1521, 2002.

Cervera M., García Soriano J., "Simulación numérica del comportamiento termo-mecánico de presas de HCR. Parte II: Aplicación a la Presa de Rialb", Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería (Q0), Vol. 18, Num. 1, 2002.


Cervera M., Oliver J., Prato T., García Soriano J., "Simulación numérica del comportamiento termo-mecánico de presas de HCR. Parte I: Modelización y calibración", Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería (Q0), Vol. 17, Num. 4, 2001.


Cervera M., Oliver J., Prato T., "Simulation of construction of RCC dams. II: Stress and damage", Journal of Structural Engineering (D1), 126 (9), pp. 1062-1068, 2000.

Cervera M., Oliver J., Prato T. "Simulation of construction of RCC dams. I: Temperature and aging", Journal of Structural Engineering (D1), 126 (9), pp. 1053-1060, 2000.


Oliver J., Cervera M., Manzoli O., "Strong discontinuities and continuum plasticity models: The strong discontinuity approach", International Journal of Plasticity (D1), 15 (3), pp. 319-351, 1999.


Barbat A.H., Cervera M., Hanganu A., Cirauqui C., Oñate E. "Failure pressure evaluation of the containment building of a large dry nuclear power plant", Nuclear Engineering and Design (Q1), 180 (3), pp. 251-270, 1998.


Cervera M., Codina R., Galindo M., "On the computational efficiency and implementation of block-iterative algorithms for nonlinear coupled Problems", Engineering Computations (Q0), 13 (6), pp. 4-30, 1996.


Cervera M., Oliver J., Faria R., "Seismic evaluation of concrete dams via continuum damage models", Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (D1), 24 (9), pp. 1225-1245, 1995.

Barbat A.H., Cervera M., Cirauqui C., Hanganu A., Oñate E., "Evaluación de la presión de fallo del edificio de contención de una central nuclear, tipo PWR-W tres lazos. Parte II: simulación numérica", Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería (Q0), Vol. 11, Num. 2, 1995.

Cervera M., Barbat A.H., Hanganu A., Oñate E., Cirauqui C., "Evaluación de la presión de fallo del edificio de contención de una central nuclear, tipo PWR-W tres lazos. Parte I: metodología", Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería (Q0), Vol. 11, Num. 2, 1995.


Oñate E., Cervera M., Zienkiewicz O.C., "Finite volume format for structural mechanics", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (D1), 37 (2), pp. 181-201, 1994.


Oñate E., Cervera M., "Derivation of thin plate bending elements with one degree of freedom per node: a simple three node Triangle", Engineering Computations (Q0), 10 (6), pp. 543-561, 1993.


Cervera M., Oliver J., Galindo M., "Numerical Analysis of Dams with Extensive Cracking due to Concrete Hydration: Simulation of a Real Case", Dam Engineering (Q0), Vol.3, Num.1, 1992.

Codina R., Oñate E., Cervera M. "The intrinsic time for the streamline upwind/Petrov-Galerkin formulation using quadratic elements", Computer Methods and Applied Mechanics in Engineering (D1), 94 (2), pp. 239-262, 1992.


Cervera M., Oliver J., Herrero E., Oñate E. "A computational model for progressive cracking in large dams due to the swelling of concrete", Engineering Fracture Mechanics (D1), 35 (1-3), pp. 573-585, 1990.


M. Cervera, E. Hinton, "Análisis dinámico en rotura de estructuras laminares tridimensionales de hormigón armado", Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería (Q0), Vol. 3, Num. 1, 1987.

Cervera, M., Hinton, E., Hassan, O. "Nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete plate and shell structures using 20-noded isoparametric brick elements", Computers and Structures (D1), 25 (6), pp. 845-869, 1987.


Cervera, M., Liu, Y.C., Hinton, E. "Preconditioned conjugate gradient method for the non-linear finite element analysis with particular reference to 3D reinforced concrete structures", Engineering Computations (Q0), 3 (3), pp. 235-242, 1986.