Centre Internacional de Mètodes Numèrics en Enginyeria

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The International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE, https://www.cimne.com/) is a research organization in Barcelona, Spain. CIMNE was created in 1987 as a Consortium between the Catalan Government (Generalitat de Catalunya) and the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC – Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya). CIMNE is an autonomous RTD center focusing in promoting and fostering advances in the development and application of numerical methods and computational techniques for the solution of engineering problems in an international context.

The research activities of CIMNE cover the development of innovative constitutive models for composite materials and structures, new numerical methods for non-linear analysis and safety studies of structures, shape optimization in structural and fluid dynamic problems, computational fluid dynamics studies for both external and internal flow problems and numerical simulation of material deformation and forming processes for the manufacturing industry, mesh generation and visualization interfaces, casting and thermal process, stochastic optimization as well as program parallelization and distributed (grid) computing techniques.

In the last twenty years, CIMNE has taken part in over 450 RTD projects with over 200 companies and organizations. Some 110 of these projects have received EC support through FP3-7 programmes. CIMNE has been the coordinator of some 30 EC funded projects (including a cluster of projects in the FP5 IST programme).

Numexas Key personnel

Prof. Eugenio Oñate, Civil Engineer by the Polytechnical University of Valencia and Ph.D. by the University of Swansea, Wales, UK. Director of the International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) (since 1987) and Professor of Structural and Continuum Mechanics at UPC. He has over 20 years' experience in the development and application of computational methods and software for solving a wide range of problems in science and engineering. He has solid experience in EU projects and has co-ordinated a number of them within different EU programmes. He is author of 3 text books, has edited 37 books, has 220 papers in scientific and technical journals and also has some 327 papers presented at international conferences. He has received a number of awards from universities and scientific and technological organisations worldwide.

Prof. Santiago Badia is a Civil Engineer and Ph.D in computational mechanics by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). He is the leader of the Computational Physics and Large Scale Computing department at CIMNE, funded under his ERC Starting Grant COMFUS to study computational methods for fusion reactor processes. His team is developing FEMPAR, an in-house, parallel hybrid OpenMP/MPI, object-oriented (OO) framework for the massively parallel stabilized FE simulation of mutiphysics problems. The code is based on balancing domain decomposition and it has been proved to have excellent weak scalability properties in the range of 10,000 CPU cores on the largest super-computers in Europe and Japan. More information available at: https://www.cimne.com/comfus/santiago.asp

Dr. Alberto F. Martin is a computer scientist and Ph.D in computer science (with specialization on large-scale scientific computing) by the Universitat Jaume I at Castellón (Spain. He currently holds a post-doctoral research position at the Computational Physics and Large Scale Computing department at CIMNE (COMFUS team), where he has become an active developer of FEMPAR.

Dr. Pooyan Dadvand is Civil Engineer and holds a PhD in Numerical Methods by the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC). He is one of the authors of the multiphysics analysis code Kratos (see http://kratos.cimne.upc.es/kratoswiki/index.php/User:Pooyan)

Abel Coll is a civil engineer specialised in meshing techniques and computational geometry. He is working in the development of the GiD  pre-post processing code since 2004. Currently he is the coordinator of the GiD Team.

Dr. Riccardo Rossi is a Civil Engineer and a Post-Doctoral investigator at CIMNE. He has a large experience in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics, and in dealing with Fluid-Structure Interaction problems. He is one of the authors of the multiphysics code Kratos.

Miguel Pasenau de Riera is Computer Science Engineer specialized in Post-processing techniques for simulation software, including visualizations algorithms for the outputs of the different types of models. He is the main authors of the post processing module in the GiD software.

Dr. Javier Mora, Telecommunication Engineer and Ph.D. by the Technical University of Catalonia (1998), project manager and researcher on electromagnetic simulation by computer.

Specific contribution to NUMEXAS

CIMNE is the coordinator of the NUMEXAS proposal, both from the scientific and the administrative point of view. CIMNE’s technical contribution will have to do with the implementation, development and design of new codes to be applied in exascale architectures over the whole simulation pipeline, and coordinating WP3, 4, 7, 11 and 12. CIMNE is also the provider of specific software to be used as starting point for the new codes to be developed in the project (FEMPAR, DEMPACK, KRATOS and GiD).

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The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement n° 611636