WP 10. Guidelines and recommendations Exascale

Guidelines and recommendation for using the NUMEXAS codes in parallel machines and further developments towards the exascale.

Task 10.1 Guidelines

The experience gained in the development and validation of the simulation methods and software codes will be used for defining a set of guidelines for their application in the new exascale era. Procedures for efficiently using the developed software for the different applications covered in the project will be given. The strategy for future developments of the different modules of the developed software will be defined, as well as the future research directions aiming at improving the exploitation of HPC technology for use in exascale applications, attending also to the other projects and research lines identified in the WP 1.

Task leader: LUH-IKM. Partners involved: All (CIMNE, CESCA, LUH-IKM, LUH-HLRN, NTUA, QUANTECH)

Task 10.2 Documentation

A project of the magnitude envisioned here would not be complete without proper documentation and a final report. We will write manuals, tutorials and user’s guides for all the numerical methods and codes developed. We will also provide a library of test cases so that other users can compare techniques, algorithms and codes against the ones developed in this project. A final report will describe all findings and developments of the project.

Task leader: CIMNE. Partners involved: All (CIMNE, CESCA, LUH-IKM, LUH-HLRN, NTUA, QUANTECH)

D10.1 Guidelines for use of the NUMEXAS codes

Lead beneficiary: LUH

D10.2 Guidelines for future development of NUMEXAS modules

Lead beneficiary: CIMNE

Friday, September 20, 2024     [ login ]

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement n° 611636