GiD is software for supporting the CAD definition of complex geometries, the generation of the input data for finite element (FE) computations and the visualization operations. GiD was awarded an IST Award of EC in 2002.
KRATOS (CIMNE, /kratos/) Open-source object-oriented platform for development and integration of FE codes for multidisciplinary coupled problems. |
FEMPAR from COMFUS (CIMNE, Finite Element Multiphyiscs PARallel software, hybrid MPI/OpenMP, able to run on 10240 cores | |
DEMPACK (CIMNE, /dem/) Discrete element -based code for analysis of multifracture and granular flow problems in engineering and applied sciences. | |
DEMFLOW (LUH-IKM) Discrete element code coupled with FE codes for particulate flow and granular media problems in engineering and process technology | |
STAMPACK (QUANTECH, FE code for analysis of sheet metal forming processes using an innovative rotation-free shell triangle developed at CIMNE. | |
VULCAN (QUANTECH, FE code for analysis of casting processes using an innovative thermal-mechanical formulation developed at CIMNE. | |
Clik2Cast (QUANTECH, Quasi-real time FE analysis of casting processes. | |
SOLVERIZE (NTUA) Suite of codes that supports various types of simulation methods, like the Finite Element Method (FEM), Element-Free Galerkin methods and Isogeometric Analysis. Solverize exploits parallelism in CPU as well as GPUs, for bulk calculations such as those needed for large-scale problems in simulation-based sciences and engineering. |
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement n° 611636