WP 11. NUMEXAS Dissemination and exploitation

This work package will focus on the dissemination of results of the project, and the transformation, where possible, of the software solutions developed into marketable products. It includes the definition and implementation of the plan for the dissemination of NUMEXAS outputs as well as the strategy for exploitation of NUMEXAS technology.

Task 11.1 Dissemination

Dissemination in NUMEXAS involves various activities that will bring research outcomes to the attention of as many relevant people as possible. All partners will collaborate in the dissemination of the results among the different audiences (academic, industrial, administration, general public), and the actions to be carried out will be designed through a dissemination plan.

In relation with the scientific dissemination of the results, this will be achieved via:
  • publications in prestigious international journals
  • presentation of the project results at international workshops & conferences. Among these we note the series of conferences yearly organized by the European Research Community of Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS, www.eccomas.org) and the International Association for Computational mechanics (IACM, www.cimne.com/iacm) to which the groups of CIMNE, LUH and NTUA regularly contribute
  • cooperation with other EU-projects and national projects

In relation with the industrial community and general public, a set of media and resources will be developed to ease the dissemination of results and to engage relevant communities to interact with the findings/project outcomes and as much as possible to implement them into their context.

These will take the form of pre-prepared courses and content in particularly relevant domain areas, as well as case studies and examples of good practice. A Web site for presenting the results of the project will be produced. The effort in the dissemination activities will gradually increase as the project evolves.

More specifically, some of these dissemination tools will be:
  • Public presentation events to potential users and industries.
  • Publications in trade press and presentations in industrial fairs.
  • Contact with Administrations and policy-makers involved in decision-making related to the efforts carried out to implement and exploit HPC infrastructures.
  • NUMEXAS project website as usual sites for EC research projects - EU/Nationals specific websites and promotion office
  • Technology transfer initiatives
  • Trade bodies
  • EU/nationals Government Departments (specifically for industry)
  • Training sessions for partners

The NUMEXAS partners will give visibility to the project outcomes amongst the SMEs in Europe related to the relevant application areas in the NUMEXAS project. The necessary actions for this purpose will evolve as the different objectives of the project are achieved. Actions taken in this direction will be reported at each of the project review meetings.

Task leader: CIMNE. Partners involved: All (CIMNE, CESCA, LUH-IKM, LUH-HLRN, NTUA, QUANTECH)

Task 11.2 Exploitation

Exploitation of exascale technologies is not yet possible as hardware will not be available within the timeline of the project, but it is expected that the already existing parallel codes to be prepared to be scalable can gain market if they are prepared to exploit the upcoming improvements of the future computers, particularly related to the use of GPU and ARM processors. In addition, according to the guide for applicants for STREPs in the ICT Theme, no funding has been allocated to cover commercial exploitation of the NUMEXAS results.

At user level, there is no difference between exascale, petascale or current terascale potential beneficiaries, that is, companies, research organizations and universities with activities on the computational sector. Therefore, interfaces to existing software products and tools that could be linked to the simulation methods and software developed in the project will be written.

At this level, exploitation models will be sought where the produced software can be of the benefit for other public and private organizations.

Emphasis will be put in exploiting NUMEXAS outputs among SMEs in Europe operating in each of the relevant project application fields.

Task leader: QUANTECH. Partners involved: All (CIMNE, CESCA, LUH-IKM, LUH-HLRN, NTUA, QUANTECH)

D11.1 Dissemination activities

Lead beneficiary: CIMNE

D11.2 Exploitation plan

Lead beneficiary: QUANTECH

Friday, September 20, 2024     [ login ]

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreement n° 611636